your art therapist

and welcome to Soul & Co therapy.
I am Magdalena Jantac and I am here to guide you on your transformative art therapy journey. By creating a safe and judgement-free space, my role is to support you in finding your very own inner wisdom and healing by empowering your authentic self.
I am experienced working both online as well as in person in clinic. I have been trained and qualified as a transpersonal art therapist and I am a practising member of ANZACATA (Australia, New Zealand and Asia Creative Art
Therapies Association).

I am originally from the Czech republic but I have lived half my life in Australia.
Through taking on life adventures and challenges, moving countries by myself, and facing some small and some real big life pitfalls, I have developed a strong sense of empathy as well as a deep passion for supporting others and helping them reach their full potential.

I have worked in a number of creative fields before I discovered that my passion for creative expression and the human psyche can be married with supporting others through art therapy. I am deeply passionate about what I do and I always put my best foot forward to attune to my clients so they get whatever they need the most in the moment from their session.
I am also a qualified yoga teacher and a big believer in the holistic approach to wellbeing rooted in the mind body connection.

Advanced Diploma in Transpersonal therapy (Art Therapy) 2023
Diploma in Interior Design (2017)
Certificate in Yoga teaching (2013)
Diploma in Marketing (2011)
Certificate II in Sport (Coaching) 2010
Diploma in Digital Media Design (2008)